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Work from Home Collection


The concept of this collection is dragonfly. Dragonfly was a Japanese motif used by samurais back then, sometimes seen as patterns on their clothes. It was believed that it symbolizes victory because of its hunting prowess and it does not fly backwards. In some cultures, they symbolize change because they fly across the ocean and this serves as a metaphor for a long journey and new beginnings across. Additionally, dragonflies serve as one of the signs that summer is starting, which connects to when the work from home had started and everyone learned to adjust to a new work environment. Each of the furniture pieces incorporate the most popular feature of dragonflies which is its wings as well as its long body. The pieces translate these features through curvilinear forms that symbolizes dragonflies’ elegant flight that they are popular for. The color scheme and materials feature masculine colors to fit the client's preferences as well as dragonflies' quality of being sophisticated. Each furniture's names are based on which part of the dragonfly it's featuring.

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